Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 266 Bring Bad And Good Luck

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Walt smirked, "grandmother, if you let the information out, there will be a big number of pupils for the

cook training school this year."

Looking at him, Alena said with a smile, "since a younger brother has been married, you as a brother

should not fall behind too much. Your heart should be settled."

"Yes, I will." Walt said to ingratiate himself with a little resentment in his heart. He would have got

married if it were not because Zac took away his pineapple.

Zac kept picking up food for his grandparents. Every dish cooked by his wife was delicious, so he

wanted his grandparents to have a taste.

Abel and Alena wore a satisfied smile on their faces, which made Mary and Valery uncomfortable. Mary

and Valery had planned to embarrass Essie in front of others, but they didn't expect that they would

help her leave better impression to Abel and Alena. Essie was indeed a cunning fox who could handle

everything well.

After lunch, Essie went back to her bedroom to take a break. She had been busy all morning and was

very tired.

Lying on the sofa, Zac massaged her shoulders lovingly. "Honey, thank you for your hard work today."

"It doesn't matter. I'm happy to see that grandparents enjoy the food." Essie smiled in a casual way.

She sighed in her mind, 'my mother-in-law has become an excellent mother-in-law for many years. As

long as my mother-in-law is there, I'm sure I will have a hard time in the future.' Why did Mary dislike

her? Mary always deliberately made difficulties for her and played tricks on her. It was really difficult to


"I can see that grandparents like you very much." Zac said with a smile.

"Freezing guy, your mommy is so lucky to have such a kind and reasonable mother-in-law as

grandmother." Essie said faintly. She was just as unlucky as her mother Lucy. Like Lucy's mother-in-

law, Mary didn't get along well with Essie.

Zac knew what she meant. He comforted her by putting his arm around her shoulder. "Honey, don't

worry. Take it easy. It's not your fault, it's my mommy's. maybe Elizabeth and her daughter have fooled

her too much. She won't wake up in a short time, but she will come around after a long time."

'I hope so.'

Heaving a sigh, Essie thought, 'if it's only because of the Elizabeth and her daughter, there's still a

chance to recover her relationship with Mary, and if it's just like the way Mrs. Vicki hates her mother,

they would be an ineffable enemies.'

In another room, Valery was in rage. And Essie's smug face was a heavy blow to her. Sage was not in

a hurry. She had already thought of a best way to deal with Essie.

"Miss, you are going to..." Sage whispered in Valery's ear.

"That's really a good idea!" said Valery, smiling. She then stood up and went to see Mary according to

her plan.

Tomorrow was the first day of the lunar month, which was a good day for worshiping Buddha. Valery

proposed to go to the temple to pray for her child. Thinking that Alena also believed in Buddhism, Mary


So in the morning of the next day, Rong family's daughters-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, and Valery all

went out with Alena.

The temple in the suburb was grandiose with soothing incense. After worshiping the Buddha, everyone

came to the pavilion to have a rest. At this time, an old man with long beard, dressed like a monk,

walked over. The man gave Valery a thumbs up when he saw her and said, "this girl is very rich and

influential. You can have great fortune if you marry any of them." After a pause, he continued, "it seems

that you have been in trouble with your marriage recently."

"Mommy, the master is right." She pretended to be surprised and said, "I want him to get even for me,


"If you want to." Said Mary lightly.

The old man with white beard sat down in front of Valery and asked her about her birthday and slowly

stated it. He made a boast of Valery, including the empress's life.

Thrilled, Valery turned to look at her mother-in-law and said, "Mommy, the master is right. He even

knew that I couldn't get back to my family and had a hard time when I was a child."

Originally, Mary did not take it seriously. But hearing the old man's words, she became more interested

and turned her attention.

Pretending not to hear what the old man said, Alena took out a porcelain vacuum cup from her bag and

said, "grandma, this is the lily soup I made for you this morning. It's still warm. Would you like some? It

can help to clear your throat and is good for your asthma. " Alena had asthma, which was the reason

why she wanted to live in Switzerland. Switzerland was the clearest country in the world. It was a good

place for people who had asthma to recuperate.

"Look, how filial my granddaughter-in-law is! You even prepare sweet water for me when you go out."

Alena took the vacuum cup with a smile.

"I've always been feeling that Essie is a good girl." Sally continued, "Mary is sometimes too harsh on

her. If my son can find such a dutiful daughter-in-law in the future, I will definitely treat her as my own


"In fact, it is for my own good that mommy is strict with me. After all, I still have to be a good wife who

can help Zac manage the family affairs well. I should have more practice." Said Essie.

"You a thoughtful girl." Alena patted Essie on the head lovingly. "Mother-in-law treats her daughter-in-

law like her own daughter, and daughter-in-law see her mother-in-law as her mother too. Only in this

way can our family be harmonious." It was said not only to Essie, but also to Mary.

Mary cast a stern glance at Essie. She was not pleased at all to see that Essie actually spoke for her.

Instead, she thought that Essie was flattering her.

"You bad luck!" Valery cursed in her mind. She reminded the old man to get to the point. The old man

understood her meaning and turned to another topic, "young lady, although you are lucky, unfortunately

you met a person who bring you bad luck. She blocked your marriage, and made you unable to marry

the man you love."

Then he turned to Essie and asked, "Miss, can you tell me your birth date and let me calculate it for


"No, I'm an atheist. I don't believe superstition." Replied Essie.

"But lady, you have a fierce face. You are the most disgusting woman that is hard to see for 100 years.

You would bring extreme bad luck to your husband and his family. The man who marries you will feel

restless in his house. The girl's marriage is ruined by you." The old man with white beard sighed


"You're right, master. It was her who stood in my way." Valery glared at Essie and said, "I'm pregnant

and I was going to marry my fiance, but she suddenly popped up from nowhere and meddled in our

relationship, making me and my fiance unable to get married today. And my baby was not accepted

and he is going to be born soon, so I don't know how to face him..." Valery buried her face in her hands

and burst into tears.

The look on Essie's face was as calm as the wind, and she was not at all affected by what the white

beard old man and Valery said.

Mary frowned. The master of the Huang Temple said the same. It seemed that the young tramp was


"Essie, tell the master your birth date as soon as possible." Mary used a rare tone of command.

"Just take such nonsense as a joke. It's not serious." Alena spoke out. Since Valery was not a member

of the Rong family, she didn't care what she would do. Now that it involves her granddaughter-in-law,

she had to speak.

"No, Alena. The master in the Huang Temple said that Essie was an extremely vicious nemesis, and I

didn't take it to seriously then. But now someone said that again, I think it's better to have a fortune told.

I would rather believe it is true. Back then, brother and sister-in-law were just... " Mary stopped her

words in time. That was all. It was a taboo in the Rong family. No one dared to mention it. Now in order

to drive away this disaster Essie, she would go all out.

On hearing that, Alena's face darkened immediately.

"Mary, why did you mention that?" Sally complained.

"Zac is my son. I can't let anything happen to him." Mary rolled her eyes at Sally. The implication

behind her words was, 'of course you don't care if it's not your son!'

Sally didn't say a word.

Regardless of her mother-in-law's stubbornness, Essie went up to the old man with mustache, flatted

her mouth and tell him her birth date in lunar calendar.

The white bearded old man was stunned. It was the first time for him to hear such a "professional"

offer. He dared not say more in case of exposing his lie. He pinched his fingers, and then thumped the

table. "You are an evil and ferocious person. You will bring bad luck. You are the reincarnation of

natural fiend."

"Can you know that just from my birth date?" Essie asked calmly.

"You were born in Yin year, Yin month, Yin day and Yin hour, which indicates you are not lucky.

According to Stems-and-Branches and the five elements, you are a lady of easy virtue. These points

tell the unique fate of the heavenly evil of you. The women who had caused misfortune and miseries as

an imperial concubine all had a fate. Any man who comes across them will lose his soul and turn black

upside down, causing manor to be in a state of discomposure. He will go bankrupt or die immediately. "

The old man with white beard said.

"It's no wonder that our family has not been at peace for a while, Zac has changed a lot, becoming a

person I don't know." Mary said with a sigh. She said that to Alena.

"Yes, Mommy. I have been miscarriages for twice, and it was all because of her. She is the evil of our

lives. She is so terrifying. Will she kill Zac and our baby?" Holding her arms, Valery looked extremely

frightened, trembling with fear.

Alena wore a mask and her face was calm and deep. No one could tell what she was thinking from her

expression. She was really the iron lady who had fought the business with her husband for many years.

Alena raised the thermos cup and took a slow sip of the soup, as if she knew that her granddaughter-

in-law still had something to say.

Looking at the old man with white beard, Essie said with a smile, "master, how many heavenly evils will

be in the world?"

"Heavenly evil god is the most dangerous evil god in the world. She gives a reincarnation every

hundred years, and she became the emperor's wife in her last life." The old man with white beard said

with certainty.

"But there are so many people on the earth, and there are countless people born at the same time with

me. How can you be sure that it was me?" Said Essie with a slight smile.


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