Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 555 Mother's Secret

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Shrugging, Zac didn't answer.

Putting her arm on his shoulder, Essie said with a playful smile, "Icy guy, to be honest, were you afraid

at that time?"

Zac sneered, "Haven't you heard that people are afraid of ghosts while ghosts are afraid of people

even more? For me, I did not have the slightest fear in my heart. So ghosts are afraid of me. "

That's right. Essie thought to herself, 'He is a devil. Even ghosts have to kneel down and submit to him

when they see him. How dare she touch him?'

However, Jim was obviously the same as him, one of the hooligans. How dare she touch him?

Was it because he was the one who let the cat in?

"Do you really think that Jim has been haunted?"

"I don't know. But what happened to him at that time. Even he himself couldn't figure it out. He said he

had nightmares and dreamed that something was chasing him. He kept running and fighting with that

thing, but he couldn't wake up anyway. "

Zac looked out of the window at the ghost yard. There was no fear on his face, but he was very

confused. This had always been an unsolved mystery in his heart.

Looking at his expression, Essie felt more scared.

To be honest, so far, no one dared to jump to a conclusion whether there was a ghost in the world or


There was a distant relative of the Yi family who was a professor of chemistry in a famous

university in America. But he believed in the soul more than anyone else. He also said that the soul

study was actually a kind of science.

"Icy guy, what do you think the relationship between the ghost in red clothes and your family?" she


There were many versions of the legend about the ghost in red clothes in the Rong Mansion.

Some people said that she was the mistress of one of the sons of the Rong family and was killed by the

wife. She was resentful and refused to be reincarnated, causing chaos in the mansion and full of


Some people boldly guessed that the fierce ghost in red was the daughter of a concubine in the Rong

Mansion. She married a poor boy regardless of her family's objection. However, the poor boy was just

greedy for wealth, not true love for the daughter of the Rong family. He even found another mistress

outside. When the daughter of the Rong family knew it, she killed herself angrily.

In a word, there were countless versions of the story. Everyone's brain was wide open, and the story

they made up was so bizarre and mysterious.

However, they all had several common features, they died in red, and the day they died was exactly the

time of blood moon, which was also the night of total lunar eclipse.

According to what Zac and Jim had seen, the ghost in red was not only dressed in red before her

death, but also in her wedding dress. Did she die on their wedding night?

While she was thinking, Zac said in a low voice, "You are infected by Ivy. And you are more and more


"After all, I'm the daughter-in-law of the family. It's strange that there is such a strange thing in the Rong

Mansion. It's strange that I'm not curious." Essie pouted again.

Zac stroked her head and said, "Honey, remember what I said. Curiosity Kills the cat. Don't get

involved in anything that shouldn't be your concern."

With a flattering smile, Essie reached out her hand and said, "Honey, let's have a private talk. It's our


Zac glanced at her coldly and sharply, "don't you plan to tell that little girl, Ivy?"

With an embarrassed look on her face, Essie thought, 'He has found out all the secrets. Sure enough, I

can't hide anything from him.'

"I won't tell her what you see. I'll tell her about Jim."

"It's good that you know what you are doing." Zac rubbed her nose dotingly.

She smiled. She always knew what to do. Since they had said that they didn't see anything in the yard.

If she told Ivy everything, Ivy might have spread it everywhere. At that time, the elders of the Rong

family would know that they were lying. Maybe they would hold them accountable for what they did


On the second day, she made an appointment with Ivy in a pavilion in the garden.

"Sister in law, have you got it?" Ivy asked in a hurry, with expectations in her eyes.

"Yes, a little. But you have to promise that you won't tell anyone," Essie said cautiously.

"Okay, I swear I won't tell anyone else," Ivy raised her hand and swore.

Essie looked around and made sure there was no one else in the garden. Then she raised her hand,

half covered her mouth and said in a very low voice, "Jim did spy on the secret of the ghost yard. He

tied a camera to a cat and led it into the ghost yard."

"Hah-hah." Ivy chuckled, "Brother Jim is so brilliant. No wonder he is the most cunning man in Dragon


"Then what did he see?"

"The outside of the ghost yard is overgrown with weeds, and even the grass has grown to the

threshold. The room was completely deserted. Tables, chairs and chairs were covered with dust, and

spider webs were everywhere on the top and corner of the room. Then the cat ran along the corridor.

When it ran to the end of the corridor, a red shadow flashed in front of the camera. Then the cat

screamed and the scene disappeared," Essie described it vividly.

"Is the red shadow the ferocious ghost in red?" Ivy's eyes widened.

"I guess so. Ghosts come and go without a trace, and it's difficult to be photographed by the camera.

But in that two days, someone found the cat's corpse not far away from the yard," Essie said in a weird


"Oh my God!" Covering her mouth, Ivy felt cold all over her body.

"The most horrible thing is that Jim fell ill when he got back. He was in a coma and kept talking

nonsense. The Jing family had hired many famous doctors, but they couldn't find out the cause of the

disease. The doctors had tried many ways, but they still couldn't wake Jim up. Zac was very worried,

so he went to grandma's place and told her that they were spying on the yard. Grandma asked uncle Li

to do a rite in the Jing family, and Jim was miraculously fine. "

Holding her arms, Ivy felt a chill all over her body, as if the sunshine outside had become cold, and

there was no warmth shining on her.

Essie nodded, "I heard from Jim that he was dreaming and couldn't wake up no matter how hard he


"Oh my God, it's so horrible. It's really frightening. Fortunately, aunt Bonney and uncle Li are powerful

enough to control it, or we will have no sense of security to live in the Rong Mansion." Ivy was shocked.

"We'd better not talk about it in the future, lest it hear us," Essie said in a very low voice.

Ivy nodded her head like a chick pecking rice. No wonder Jim hung up her phone as soon as he heard

the three words 'ghost yard'. It seemed that the ghost yard was really evil. It was better to stay away

from it. She didn't want to be haunted by ghosts.

Taking a sip of tea, Essie said, "Ivy, I've told you everything I can. It's time for you to tell me the secret

you know."

Ivy looked around and didn't see anyone coming, so she whispered, "Let me tell you, your mommy

dated my uncle before."

Before she finished her words, Essie choked on her saliva and coughed for a while before she came to

her senses. "Ivy, are you kidding?"

"No, I didn't. My Daddy and Mommy locked themselves in their room to talk about it and I hid in their

wardrobe. They didn't find me at all, so I eavesdropped on this secret," Ivy said seriously. What she

liked most was to eavesdrop on their gossip in her parents' big wardrobe.

"What else do you know?" said Essie, blinking her black eyes.

"I heard that my uncle and uncle Baron both liked your mommy very much. They agreed on a fair

competition to pursue your mommy together. Later, my uncle went to America because of the business

of the Rong family. Uncle Baron took this opportunity to defeat my uncle and take your mother away.

When my uncle came back from abroad, he was very sad to know that your mommy and uncle Baron

had married. He went to the United States again. Then he met and married my

aunt there. I also heard that it was aunt who took the initiative to pursue uncle. "

As Ivy spoke, a bright light flashed through her eyes. "Men are the most fragile when they are injured.

So is brother Hanson. I must work hard, work hard, and work hard again."

It was like a daydream for Essie. She couldn't imagine that her mother and her father-in-law had a

relationship. No wonder her father-in-law often went to the Xu family's manor when she was a child.

She always thought that it was because his father-in-law had a good relationship with Mr. Baron, but

she didn't expect that his father-in-law had a better relationship with his mother than with Mr. Baron.

While she was thinking, the voice of Ivy came again, "I heard that after uncle got married, he still

couldn't forget your mother and often made aunt misunderstand him."

Essie was shocked. If that was the case, it would explain why Mary hated their mother and did such a

cruel thing.

She hated her out of jealousy!

No woman could bear that her husband had been thinking about other women all the time, and Mary

was a petty person. It would be strange if she didn't hate her mother to the core.

Now that she knew the secret, she finally found the crux of the grudge between Mary and her mother.

But how to solve it was still a troubled thing. If she knew that Mary was trying to hurt her because of

this, she might not forgive her either.

And she wouldn't confess a mistake just because she was reasonable.

The resentment between the two would probably be deeper. It was really difficult for her and Zac to be

in the middle.


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