Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 635 Plan To Change Son-In-Law

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Albert was worried that the matter of Mary would affect the relationship between his son and his

parents in law, so he set up a dinner party in Pleasant Scenery Tea House to invite Luce and Bob to

have dinner together. Unexpectedly, Luce and Bob declined.

In the past few days, Zac came to the Rong Mansion alone, but he didn't see Essie. He knew that there

was a crack in their relationship.

In the afternoon, he called Zac into his office.

"Have you had a hard time these days?" He took a drag on his cigar and asked in a low voice.

With a bitter smile, Zac said, "Once something is brought up, it won't end so easily."

"People have a bottom line. Some things can be forgiven, but some things can't." Albert sighed.

"What about you? The truth has been revealed. Have you forgiven Mommy?" Zac asked. In the past

two days, when Mary saw him, they cried as if they were crying. The coldness of Albert made her feel


"Do you really think she is innocent?" Albert sneered. He had a clear mind that Pitkin was just a

scapegoat for her and Elizabeth.

Zac was slightly shocked. When Elizabeth came to the ward to clarify the fact, his father did not raise

any doubts. He thought he believed it, but he did not expect...

"You and Mommy have spent most of their lives together. You should know what kind of person she is."

"Just because I know her well, I am sure that this matter has something to do with her. People are

doing it, and God is watching. And the dirty hands can't be washed clean. " Albert's eyes were deep

and sharp.

"Even if she did something wrong, you should also be responsible. If you love her with all your heart,

she wouldn't hate Luce and do such a thing." There was a hint of questioning in Zac's voice.

Albert looked out of the window, a hint of sadness flashing across his eyes.

The Mary he knew before was not what she looked like now. She was gentle, kind, tolerant and

magnanimous, as pure as a spring, and as warm as the spring. She comforted his wounded heart and

made him have the faith to love again. From the moment he married her, he had vowed to love her

well. But since the car accident, she had slowly changed. She had become a fussy, suspicious, narrow-

minded and disgusting woman.

Maybe it was because of what happened to Charlotte that she changed so much.

He tried his best to put up with it. Firstly, it was because of the promise he made when he got married,

and secondly, it was to keep the secret of the Rong family.

Now, the reason why he changed his mind and gave her a step down after she pushed Pitkin out to be

the scapegoat was to keep the shocking secret of the Rong family. But he couldn't tolerate her as

before and watch her destroy the marriage between his son and Essie.

"You won't understand what happened between us."

"You and Mommy have been married for a long time. Is there any problem that you can't overcome?"

Zac frowned.

"I have walked much more than you have eaten. I know how to deal with the relationship with your

mommy. You'd better pay more attention to yourself. You are in real danger now. " Albert turned to him

and didn't want to talk about his own business anymore. He wouldn't understand the previous grudges.

Zac's eyes darkened slightly. "After this period of time, maybe everything will be fine."

"Not only Essie, but also the relationship between your parents in law should be properly handled. I

wanted to ask them out for a meal, but they refused. It's not a good omen. "

The corners of Zac's mouth twitched slightly. In fact, he also felt that Luce didn't like him very much.

Bob had always been reasonable, but this time his attitude towards him was much colder.

If both of them began to oppose him as their son-in-law, it would undoubtedly make his relationship

with Essie worse.

"You have to remember that right is right, and wrong is wrong." While he was thinking, Albert patted

him on the shoulder and said in an implicit and meaningful tone. Only when something happened to

himself could he understand the pain and feeling of the other party.

Zac remained silent.

When he returned to the villa in the evening, Essie was not there. Ann told him that Madam had taken

the children to her parents' house for dinner.

Zac turned around and went out. He drove to the villa in Phoenix Road. When he was about to get out

of the car, he caught a glimpse of the Lamborghini parked at the door.

A cold light flashed through his eyes.

This was Hanson's car.

What was he doing here?

He appeared as soon as there was a crack between him and his muddled-headed fool. Hadn't he given

up yet?

In the villa.

Lucy had prepared the dinner, which was Hanson's favorite.

"Hanson, I heard from Essie that your birthday is in a few days. If you don't mind, come here and let

Essie and the children celebrate it with you," Lucy said with a smile.

"Okay, I also want to celebrate my birthday with Mili and Dot," Hanson said with a smile.

Looking at her mother, Essie felt a little nervous. When did she tell her that Hanson's birthday was

coming? It was obvious that her mother hadn't given up yet and still wanted to make a match between

her and Hanson.

"Daddy Hanson, let me tell you something. My mommy and daddy had a fight. They were in a cold war

and slept in separate rooms." Mili pouted. She said that on purpose. Only competition could make

progress. She wanted to put more pressure on her daddy, in case he would bully his mommy and

protect that bad grandma.

Hearing that, Essie felt speechless. Since when did Mili become a traitor?

Hanson's dark eyes twinkled. He had heard about Mary's food poisoning. He also knew that she didn't

like her daughter-in-law, Essie. Otherwise, her mother wouldn't have been on his side and supported

him so firmly.

"Essie, if Zac dares to bully you, tell me. I'll get even with him."

"Don't listen to Mili's nonsense. We're fine. I think I'm pregnant. It's better to sleep alone." Essie forced

a smile at him.

"Well, Hanson is not an outsider. You don't have to force a smile with him." Lucy put her arm around

her daughter's shoulder and said, "The baby in your belly came at a bad time, or you wouldn't have

insisted on being with Zac."

"Mary is not a simple woman. I don't know what trouble she will make in the future. You can live with

Zac if you can. If you don't want to live with him, you can divorce him as soon as possible. " Bob


Hearing this, Hanson's eyes twinkled with stars. "Essie, do you remember what I said? I'll wait for you

for ten years. In these ten years, I won't date with other women. Even if you still love Zac, I won't


"Hanson..." Essie lowered her eyes. She knew very well that it was impossible for her and Hanson to

be together again. When she walked into the side road with Zac, she was doomed to have no way


"Well, come and have dinner. Even if Hanson is not my son-in-law, he is still my son. I can't take Mary's

son. Hanson is the most considerate son." After saying that, Lucy served a chicken drumstick for


Rabi kept eating and didn't say anything. Although he couldn't understand what her grandparents said,

he indistinctly felt that his father was in trouble.

As smart as Dot and Mili, they knew what adults were talking about. In their eyes, daddy and daddy

Hanson were in the same position. They would support whoever was good to Mommy.

After dinner, while eating oranges, Mili pulled Dot and whispered.

"If daddy knows what we are talking about now, he must be mad."

"He has been isolated," Dot shrugged and said casually.

"It's his fault to bully Mommy and stand on the side of bad grandma. It's obviously the fault of bad

grandma, but he still stands up for her." Mili wrinkled her nose.

"In fact, he is also right. After all, the bad grandma is his mother, but he forgot that the bad grandma's

behavior this time is very serious, and can't be forgiven easily." Dot crossed his arms over his chest

and touched his chin like an adult.

"I'm becoming less and less optimistic about him and Mommy. It was said that it was a matter of two

people when they were in love, and it was a matter of two families when they got married. Now

because of bad grandma, there was a conflict between the two families, and he would be in a dilemma.

Bad grandma is full of bad tricks. She will definitely come up with many ways to hurt mommy in the

future. Who will he help then? " Mili sighed.

"Judging from the situation this time, he is on the side of bad grandmother," Dot said slowly.

"So he has a cold war with Mommy, and grandparents can't accept him." Mili pouted.

"Daddy is the smartest man in the world, yet, sometimes, he can still be confused. If he stood on the

side of bad grandma, he would offend three people, but on the side of Mommy, he would only offend

bad grandma. He really didn't figure that out this time. " Dot shook his head.

"Do you think they will really divorce?" Mili blinked her big eyes.

"Mommy will mention it, but he won't agree. They have divorced for so many times, and the agreement

has been signed so many times. In the end, they still haven't divorced, right?" Dot raised his eyebrows.

"They didn't divorce because the two still have feelings. If bad grandma torment a few more times, the

relationship between the two people will probably not continue, just like Grandma and grandpa Xu." Mili


At this moment, Zac was still waiting outside. He didn't intend to go in. He was very clear that he had

been regarded as unwelcome by his parents in law, and he wouldn't be pleased if he went in. Why did

he ask for trouble?

The iron gate of the villa didn't open until nine o'clock. Hanson was sent out like a distinguished guest

by his parents in law with a loving smile on their faces.

Essie and the kids stood aside.

Mili and Dot were always very close to Hanson. They wrapped their arms around his neck in turn and

kissed him goodbye. Looking at him, Essie wore a sweet smile that hadn't appeared for a long time.

Zac tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and a malicious and ferocious look rose on his face.

Since this incident, she had never smiled at him. Even her eyes on him were like looking at a stranger.


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