Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 322 Treatment Of Hidden Diseases

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"No, they are not. They are just spiritual partners." Taking a sip of wine, Jim said, "The reason why Zac

broke up with Leila, in addition to the feud between the two families, should also have something to do

with the disease." He analyzed as if thinking about something.

Did it mean that Zac had also given his first time to her?

Hearing that, Essie was excited for a moment, but she covered her excitement quickly. "What exactly

have I done to him?" she asked.

"Well, that he did not mention. If you lost your memory, then he is not the only one who knows it." Jim


Well, if he decided to keep it to himself until the end of the day. Then no one could know what had

happened to him.

She grabbed the whiskey on the bar counter and took a sip. Before, she had thought that he was

unwilling to let her go because of his possessiveness. Now, she finally realized that there was such a

reason. Although she couldn't remember what had happened, since it was her fault, she had to make

up. She needed to find a way to cure the icy guy.

'If I get mental illness, I have to see a psychologist. But he is so arrogant that he can't possibly tell the

psychologist anything about it. I have to find a way.' Essie thought in mind.

Just as she was thinking, Zac came back with a bottle of French red wine in his hand.

"I bought this recently. It is a nineteen eighty seven Chateau d'Yquem of Lvsa-Lvsi. He opened the

bottle and poured three glasses of wine.

Jim took up the glass, swirled it gently, took a sip and nodded. "It tastes so good."

"This wine tastes just like my woman, charming and refreshing." Zac touched her chin and took a sip of

the wine, whispering, "Should I call you Essie Yi or Cathy Xu?"

"I'm forever Essie. Cathy is merely a temporary identity. I have nothing to do with Xu family long ago."

In an instant, her voice turned colder.

Zac could tell that she hated her parents deeply, so over the years, she had never mentioned anything

about her origin of life.

It was getting late. Jim left after drinking.

Essie wanted to leave too, but was stopped by Zac. She couldn't leave because he had some

questions to ask.

"You agreed to come back to Dragon City with me because you wanted to take revenge on Valery,


"Sort of." "Each of us takes what we need. We won't lose anything," she said frankly.

No way! Fifteen years ago, he fell into the hands of this moody fairy and suffered from a hidden

disease. Fifteen years later, he was caught by her and suffered from heart disease. He was so "lucky"

to stumble twice in the hands of one person at the same time. 'She is doomed to be my wife.'

"From the beginning to the end, you only take advantage of me, don't you?" His eyes blazed with

anger, the movement of which showed his depression.

At this time, she was very calm. Her identity had been exposed, and she needed his power and

protection more. She could not fall out with him. She lowered her head and replied in a very weak

voice, "You are the same to me, aren't you?" She began to take the initiative.

A touch of sadness streaked across his handsome face. She had always sealed her heart away,

unwilling to open it to him. How could she understand his heart?

"Then, what's the use of you for me now?" he asked.

"Of course there is. Don't you have some hidden diseases?" she whispered in a low voice, but he

heard her clearly. His eyes were cold. Damn Jim! How dare he betray him!

He grabbed a glass of wine on the table and took a swig to ease his anger. She timidly grabbed his

elbow and said, "Hey, freezing guy, is our first time really your first time?"

At this moment, a cold light was shot out of Zac's eyes. He stretched out his long arm and pulled her

into his arms. "You know it. Shouldn't you be responsible for me?"

"Me too. We are even now." She gently pushed him to keep a safe distance. He grabbed her little

hands to stop her from resisting, "I have never said that I am not responsible for you. It's you who have

been escaping from your responsibility."

"You have hidden diseases, but why don't I?" She lowered her head and said in a low voice. He

frowned angrily at once, "Have you been touched by any other men?"

"Who else would be so shameless and overbearing except you?" With a blank face, she glared at him.

"I don't mind being overbearing and shameless to you once a day." He smirked. She took a deep

breath. It was all because of his hidden diseases that made him look discontented with desire every

day. "I... I will find a way to cure your hidden disease," she hammered.

"Do you really want me to heal?" She was shocked by what he said all of a sudden, "What do you


"If I can't be cured, you can monopolize me." His eyes were as sharp as Eagle's, as if he could see

through her deepest secret at a glance. She lowered her eyelids to cover her sparkling eyes. There

was indeed another voice in her heart that she did not want him to be cured. Once he was cured, he

would be like other men who indulged in dissipation.

"If I cure you, you can be intimate with your childhood sweetheart, isn't it good?" she asked.

"Childhood sweetheart?" Zac smirked. "Since you are Cathy, then we have known each other better?

Besides, we have an engagement and... " After deliberately pausing, he leaned over and whispered in

her ear, "The first intimate contact."

"What's the first intimate contact?" She quivered slightly, turned her head and looked at him blankly.

What the hell! Why did she have no memory about him at all?

"You'd better think about how to cure your amnesia, rather than spend time on treating my hidden

disease. Except that accident, our past was rather interesting," Zac said. He hooked her chin and

closed her slightly opened mouth.

She didn't think there was any chance for her to regain her memory. After eighteen years, her amnesia

didn't restore itself. Could she remember it now? And there must be something bad to be with this

haughty and overbearing guy!

Essie was Cathy, the third daughter of the Xu family, which made many people alerted. As soon as

Leila was discharged from the hospital, she went straight to the shore villa of Zac. He hadn't visited her

since she had the surgery.

At this moment, Essie was swaying in front of Zac with a pocket watch in her hand. She had been

studying hypnotherapy for several days and now it was time to have a try.

But after half an hour's swaying of the watch, Zac was still completely awake.

"Can't you just cooperate?" She was a little depressed. It was said in the book that people with strong

willpower couldn't be hypnotized easily. Obviously, Zac belonged to this kind of person.

"Naive. You hypnotized me after a few days' study. Then you can cancel the major of psychology in the

universities," Zac said with a mocking smile.

"I have learned it before. My mother majored in psychology. In order to cure my dark fear, we often

study the method together," she said seriously.

"But why hasn't it been cured yet?" Zac said, flicking her forehead.

"Yes, I am feeling much better now. In the past, I suffered from claustrophobia and dark fear. Either of

them made me feel scared, and I even didn't dare to take the elevator. Now only two conditions

coexistence, the constraint of the space and the darkness could cause my phobia. Either single

condition could not be a threat for me anymore," she explained slowly.

"Then go on with your own experiment. When you completely recover, I will permit you to cure me,"

Zac said in a commanding tone, with his arms around his chest.

"It's a very long-term process. If I have to be cured for ten or eight years, don't you want to be a monk

for ten years as long as you let women take care of you?" Her words was made bluntly in order for him

to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Taking a deep breath, Zac pulled her into his arms. "Aren't you a woman?"

Startled, Essie tried to get rid of him by removing his arms, but failed because he was too strong.

"You... Don't try to have any plan on me. We have a deal that I will give you a baby, then all our

grudges will be settled."

"That was the grudge between me and Essie. My grudge with Cathy shall be settled in another way."

His face was so domineering, and his eyes were shining like lion's, as if he was going to open his

bloody mouth and swallow her.

"What... What do you mean? How do you want to settle it?" She shuddered.

"Before my hidden disease is completely cured, you are responsible to satisfy me," he slowly


"I have a fiance now. Don't mess around." She was so frightened that her face turned pale. He was so

close to her that she could hardly breathe. She could only turn her head to relieve the pressure.

Blazing anger smoldered in Zac's heart. "I was your fiance when you were seven years old. We have

been separated for fourteen years, and you were lucky enough to marry me. Fate is behind everything,

and you can't marry Hanson."

"Haven't you heard the saying that 'my fate is not up to me'? I can marry whoever I want. God doesn't

care," she said angrily.

"If God doesn't care, then I'll take care of it. As long as I don't agree, you can't marry again." His tone

was arrogant and cold, and there was no way back for her. She felt so angry. How he wished he could

have a spirit love affairs with Leila and then gave vent to his desire by taking advantage of her body.

She would never compromise, and she would never allow him to do anything to her. "Go to the hospital

as soon as possible. Go to the hospital to cure it and make Leila satisfied you," she was almost roaring.

Somehow, he blushed. He took a deep breath and lowered his head to cover her mouth. 'This woman

had forgotten all that she should remember. And all that she shouldn't bear in mind, she remembered.

If I don't punish her, the grudge in my heart won't be released.'

At first, Essie beat and kicked him hard. But very soon, she also lost all her strength. She could do

nothing but let him kiss her.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The housekeeper said in a low voice, "Miss Qin is here.

Do you want to see her?"

Zac said impatiently, "I don't want to see her." Then he continued his plunder.

Essie, however, thought that he was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the

housekeeper's words clearly. When he turned around to kiss her neck, she could speak, she hastily

reminded him, "It is Leila."

Zac didn't respond.

Thinking that he didn't hear, she raised her voice and repeated, "Leila is here."

At first, Essie beat and kicked him hard. But very soon, she also lost all her strength. She could do

nothing but let him kiss her.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The housekeeper said in a low voice, "Miss Qin is here.

Do you want to see her?"

Zac said impatiently, "| don't want to see her." Then he continued his plunder.

Essie, however, thought that he was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the

housekeeper's words clearly. When he turned around to kiss her neck, she could speak, she hastily

reminded him, “It is Leila."

Zac didn't respond.

Thinking that he didn't hear, she raised her voice and repeated, "Leila is here."


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