Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 524 Marry Me Again

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When Essie woke up, she found herself lying in a strange place. The decoration and arrangement

looked like a hotel room.

She wanted to stand up, but she was too weak to lift her hands.

She turned around and saw two people standing by the bed. One was tall and strong, and the other

was tall and thin. They were all wearing peaked cap and masks, so she couldn't see their faces.

"Who are you?" She asked weakly.

The two didn't say anything. One of them took out a syringe with unknown medicine in it.

She realized what they were going to do and widened her eyes.

Were they Willi's men? She was hopeless. Was he going to inject her with the virus?

She wanted to resist, but she couldn't release any strength.

"You've already destroyed the antidote. I'm only a few days away. Are you still not willing to let me go?"

Her face flushed with anger.

The man didn't say anything. He lifted her arm and inserted the needle into it.

The person next to her kept staring at her. For some reason, she felt that this person's eyes were so

familiar, so familiar. She seemed to have seen him somewhere, but she could not remember.

Soon, her eyelids became heavy again, and her vision gradually blurred, and then she knew nothing.

At this time, Zac was questioning Liam in the cell of the men in black, hoping that they still had the test

record or spare antidote.

At this time, her phone rang and he received a text message. It said, "If you still want to see Essie,

come to room 1314 of InterContinental Hotel."

Shocked, Zac jumped up and rushed out like a hurricane.

Room 1314 was empty, only Essie was lying on the bed in a coma.

Zac was so worried about her that he picked her up and ran outside in a hurry.

It was the second day since Essie woke up. She made a move and found that she had strength.

Zac had been staying by her side all the time. When he saw her open her eyes, he was slightly


"What happened? Why are you in the InterContinental Hotel? " he asked anxiously.

"Two of them took me there and injected me with new virus," Essie said weakly.

Zac's relaxed nerves suddenly tightened. He lifted her arm and saw the needle eye on it. His

handsome face twisted in extreme anger.

He immediately called the dean of the hospital to give her a complete physical examination. But to

everyone's surprise, they not only did not find new virus, but also happily found that the remaining old

virus in her body had been completely cleared.

"If I'm not wrong, it's not a new virus, but an original antidote," said the dean.

A tinge of surprise flied into Zac's eyes. He opened his arms and held Essie in his arms, spinning three

hundred and sixty degrees in the air. "That's great. That's great."

Tears of joy welled up in Essie's eyes.

"They want to save me, not kill me?" She was shocked.

"Maybe they are not enemies," Zac said thoughtfully, but their method and means were really


The familiar eyes kept flashing in Essie's mind. She was sure that she had seen him before, but she

couldn't remember him no matter how desperate she tried to remember him.

"Who the hell are they? Why did they save me? There must be a reason for them to do so."

"Let's think about it later. If my guess is right, they will show up again." Zac put his arm around her

shoulder. Now, he was in a good mood. All the haze had gone, and the sunshine filled his heart.

He decided to take her out to celebrate.

Two days later...

At dawn, the sky was slightly bright up. It was still light blue, very light, very pale.

The silvery sea water was quiet and serene. Morning breeze gently brushed the waves, and the

sparkling silver light rippled, as if countless stars had been fallen and broken and scattered in the


The huge luxury cruise ship 'Maria' was slowly sailing on the sea, but today, it only had two


Essie and Zac sat side by side at the bow of the cruise, waiting for the sunrise.

The wind blew from the sea, with the fragrance of her hair, gently swept across her face. He lowered

his head and looked at her gently.

Her pretty face was so pure, so bright. It was like a cloud rising in the sky.

He couldn't help holding her hand. She turned her eyes and smiled sweetly, leaning her head on his


At the junction of the water and the sky, the red glow spread, the entire eastern sky became red. Not

long after, half of the sun emerged, exposing its red face. It struggled to rise step by step as if it was

carrying a heavy burden. At last, it broke through the clouds and jumped above the sea level. All of a

sudden, there was only a dazzling light in the sea and sky. It was hard to tell the difference of water and


"It's so gorgeous!" Essie exclaimed. The bright morning sunlight flushed her cheeks.

Zac looked at her quietly. At this moment, her smile was the most beautiful scenery in his eyes.

The reason why he took her to the sea to watch the sunrise today was for a beautiful meaning.

From the moment the sun rose, their brand new life began.

"You little fool, from now on, we will be together every day to watch the sunrise and sunset, and the

clouds roll up and down until we get old!"

His voice was mixed in the slightly drunk sea wind, gently brushing her hair. She smiled and said with a

playful smile, "Icy guy, don't forget that you are still married."

Zac held her hand. His palm was so warm, like a warm current, slowly flowing into her chest, melting

the frozen ice block bit by bit.

Then he knelt down on one leg, which startled her.

He took out a ring box, in which there was a dazzling diamond ring. A huge heart-shaped dove egg

was embedded on it. The red color was like flowing blood.

"Essie Yi, marry me again."

His voice was so powerful and clear. Every word he said shocked her deeply. Joy and excitement filled

her heart at that moment. Tears spread out from her eyes, along her face, rustling down. He raised his

fingertips and picked up a drop of tear, quietly watching it quiver on the skin and flicker in the sun.

She nodded hard. At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

However, there was still a big problem between them that hadn't been solved.

"What should I do with my mother?"

"I'll go to see her with you tomorrow," Zac said in a low voice.

She shook her head. "Don't worry. I'll go back to talk to my mother first." As she spoke, she stood up

and ran on the deck.

He followed her with a smile and reached out his arms in an attempt to hold her, but she spun lightly

and got out of his arms. She took out a small gift box from her handbag and held it in front of him. "Zac,

I have a gift for you to celebrate our recovery!"

Zac took the gift box and opened it. It was a classical music box, covered with a mirror inlaid with foiled

patterns, and the bottom box was a silver lake surrounded by purple lavender. There were two black

and white swan in the groove beside.

He smiled, picked up a swan and put it on the lake, but the music box did not respond at all. When he

was about to check if there was a switch, she said with a smile, "You have to put both of them on it!"

Her bright eyes flickered slightly, with a little cunning and a little nifty.

He chuckled and put the other swan on it.

The surface of the lake rippled, the foil glittered, like stars all over the sky, and the blue light spread all

over the silver lake.

On the surface of the silvery lake, the two Swan wandered with the music. Sometimes they looked at

each other affectionately, and sometimes they were in intimate contact. They were the symbol of pure

and firm love.

"This music box is very special." She smiled gracefully, and her cunning eyes were like a faint cloud,

wandering in her clear eyes. "That black swan represents you, and the White Swan represents me. It is

unique. There is only one in the world. You can't lose it, or I will disappear."

"No, it won't. I will hold it tightly in my hand like a treasure and never lose it." Zac hugged her excitedly.

Her response, even a little, could make him ecstatic.

Back to the villa on the Phoenix Road, in order to please her mother, Essie specially prepared a gift for

her in the name of Zac.

"Today is not my birthday. Why sending me gift?"

"It's a sincere gift. Open it and see if you like it," Essie said with a smile.

Lucy opened the gift box. There was a crystal Champagne Cup in it. The foot of the glass was hollowed

out, carved with beautiful patterns, and the body of the cup was like a bud rose.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, like a meteor quietly streaked across, and disappeared in an instant.

She had a strange hobby. She was obsessed with champagne cups and loved those with strange


"Mom, this Champagne Cup is unique. It was designed by Zac himself for you." Essie hugged her

mother lovingly.

Hearing this, Lucy's face darkened. She did like this cup, beautiful and unique, but unfortunately she

didn't like the person who sent it. She put the cup into the box and handed it to the maid. Unexpectedly,

before the maid could raise her hand to take it, her fingers loosened.

The box fell to the ground, and the Champagne Cup rolled out.

"What's wrong with you?" She scolded the maid, but in fact, she did it on purpose. She was delivering a

dissatisfaction to the person who sent the gift, and she would not appreciate it.

Essie picked up the cup, put it into the box and handed it to the maid. Then she smiled, "Mom, don't

worry. It won't break. At first, Zac planned to make it with glass, but later he thought that the glass was

too fragile, so he changed it to crystal, because it should be the same as my respect for you. It won't

break or change under any circumstances."

Lucy cast a sidelong glance at her. Of course she knew that it wouldn't break it, or she wouldn't let it go.

In her opinion, every glass of champagne was alive. No matter how hateful the person who made the

glass was, the glass was innocent.


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