Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 589 The First Meeting Between Sisters-in-law

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Seeing that Zac was silent, Walt continued, "I don't know why those people dragged me into the mire,

but one thing is for sure, they are trying to sow dissension between us so that we can hurt each other.

But we are brothers. How can we turn against each other for a woman? "

"Do you really think so?" Zac raised his eyebrows doubtfully.

Just as he finished speaking, a sweet voice came from the stairs, "Walt, is your brother here?"

Zac turned around and saw an enchanting woman standing at the stairway and smiling at them. She

was wearing a bathrobe and her hair was a little wet. It seemed that she had just taken a bath.

Standing up, Walt walked up to her and put his arms around her slim waist. "Zac, don't you always

want to know who my little sun is? Now let me formally introduce her to you. Her name is Laura, a

Singaporean. I have been chasing after her all these years. Finally, she agrees to marry me. " He held

Leila's hand. A ten carat big diamond ring on her finger was shining in the light.

A sharp sense passed through Zac's cold eyes. "Didn't you say last time that your little sun was

Caroline? Why is it Laura now? "

"Caroline is just a substitute. I had no idea but was forced by mom. Laura hadn't accepted me yet. I

had to find a woman to fool her." Walt said with understatement.

With a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, Zac asked, "when are you going to get married?"

"I took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register yesterday. I'm a man of action and won't give her a

chance to retreat. So, legally, she has officially become my wife, your sister-in-law. "

Zac was shocked. He pursed his perfect thin lips into a straight line, as if he was thinking about

something. With a real smile at the corners of his mouth, he said, "I didn't expect you to act first and

report afterwards. But congratulations, brother and sister-in-law."

"Thank you." Leila smiled and hid her resentment, admiration and unwillingness.

Walt let go of his hand on her waist, walked up to Zac and patted him on the shoulder. "You have to

remember that we are brothers. No matter who or what happens, we can't affect our brotherhood." His

tone was extremely firm.

Zac nodded. He didn't want to fight against his brother. He was relieved to hear that.

After he left, Leila sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette. Then she blew a smoke ring at Walt and said, "you

are so hypocritical."

"The same to you." Walt said with a cold smile.

Leila sighed slightly, "why didn't I find that we were the most suitable couple before?"

Walt squinted his black eyes and sneered, "do you know the biggest difference between you and



"Her heart is red, while yours is black."

Walt said slowly word by word. Leila frowned and said, "that's also the difference between you and Zac.

That's why Essie chose Zac instead of you."

Before she finished her words, Walt hit the back of the sofa with a punch. The veins on his forehead

were rolling and his chest was bulging with rage. "He's just luckier than me. If I could find her before

him, he would not have a chance at all."

As for the luck thing, Leila also admitted that if Zac didn't meet Essie, she would still be the only one

around him and no one could replace her position.

"We still have a chance. We have to go back to the Rong Mansion tomorrow and get ready." She said

gloomily, with a very cold light in her eyes.

"I have to make it clear to you." Walt pinched her chin and said, "no matter how much you hate Essie, I

won't allow you to hurt her. If you dare to hurt her, I will let you die without a burial place."

Leila shook off his hand and said, "don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

On the second day, when they returned to the mansion, Zac and his wife were also there. However,

after their wedding, Alena and Abel went back to Switzerland for recuperation. Mary's soft method was

very effective. Seeing that Mary had changed her attitude towards Essie, Alena returned the power of

the family to her.

Seeing Essie and her slightly protruding belly, Walt's heart was in a turmoil, but he tried hard to hold it

back. His face was calm and expressionless, showing no sign of clues.

Zac peeled a black grape and fed it into the mouth of Essie, doting on her. Leila's mouth seemed to be

stung by bees and almost subconsciously tilted to one side. But she soon sensed her abnormality and

withdrew the corners of her mouth.

She really couldn't figure out what was so good about this little bitch, Essie. She was raped by Walt and

pregnant with a bastard, but Zac still cherished her so much. Zac was really poisoned by her.

She loved him so much that she could sacrifice everything for him, but he turned a blind eye to her. He

even ruthlessly threw her into a madhouse and imprisoned her for a lifetime. He was too cruel, too

cold-blooded and too ruthless!

Hearing the good news of their marriage, Essie was very happy. "Congratulations, brother and sister-in-


Mary was the happiest. She had always been worried that her two sons would turn against each other

because of the little tramp, Essie. Now seeing that Walt had married the woman he loved, she was


Smoking a cigar, Albert looked gloomy and deep. He didn't agree with his sons to act first and report

later on their marriage. At that time, Zac was forced by Valery and had no choice. He could forgive him.

However, Walt was completely "messing around".

The Rong family must marry women with clear background. Not every woman could marry into the


"Walt, how long have you known Miss Laura?"

"We knew each other a long time ago. Daddy, don't worry. Laura is a good girl. She loves me and I love

her very much. We are happy together." Walt put his arm around Leila's shoulder and said.

"Albert, Walt has been playing around for so many years. He is finally willing to give up and live a

stable life. We should support him." Mary was afraid that Albert would object, so she said in a hurry.

Taking a drag on his cigar, Albert sighed. He had already got the marriage certificate, and it was

useless for him to object. As long as the woman was fine, he would turn a blind eye to it.

"This year is near the end. Your wedding will be held at the beginning of next year. I'll invite aunt

Bonney to check a good day then."

"Okay." Walt nodded. The later the wedding was, the better. He didn't want to hold a wedding with Leila

at all.

After that, Zac took Essie to the garden for a walk.

Holding her waist which was a little thicker, Zac smiled and said, "I'll take you out to buy maternity

clothes in the near future."

"Don't bother. Those clothes were still there when I was carrying Mili and Dot. I can wear them." Said

Essie with a smile.

The smile at the corners of Zac's mouth deepened, and a playful look flashed across his eyes. "Did you

keep them on purpose? Wait for me to have more babies."

"Don't flatter yourself. It's so tired to have a baby. I don't want to have another one." Essie rolled her

eyes at him.

"This little thing is indeed a little redundant." Zac muttered. Even if it was him, he didn't like it very


He didn't plan to let her give birth to a baby at all. Usually, he always paid attention to contraception.

Only in her safety period, he didn't set any protection. However, this idiot's mind was so muddled, and

the probability of miscalculations was estimated to be eighty percent. He couldn't trust her anymore.

Hearing this, Essie's heart jolted. The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener did. She felt that Zac was

caring about the identity of the child. No matter what, it was a thorn in his heart. He usually didn't touch

it. It didn't matter if he didn't touch it but would hurt whenever he touched.

She had discussed with her parents that if the child was really not Zac's, she would let him follow her

father's surname and live with her parents in the future, in case Zac saw it and felt uncomfortable.

Not far away, Walt and Leila were walking over. After they met, they sat in the pavilion and asked the

servants to bring tea and fruits.

"Essie, I hope we can get along well in the future." Leila said with a smile.

"Of course, we are family." Said Essie with a smile. She really hoped to get along well with Leila.

Although the sister-in-law relationship was not as difficult as that between mother-in-law and daughter-

in-law, in reality, sister-in-law conflicts often happened, especially when it came to property.

Some brothers were like brothers before marriage, and after marriage, they were like enemies. This

was caused by the conflict between the sisters-in-law.

Leila took a sip of tea and said slowly, "I heard that you are the wife of the crown prince of the Rong

family and will be the hostess of the family in the future. I'm straightforward and impulsive. If I do

anything wrong, please forgive me, okay?"

With a smile on her face, Essie said, "sister-in-law, don't say that. There is no hatred in the family.

Besides, you are my sister-in-law. I should respect you."

"I'm relieved to hear that." Leila smiled kindly.

Zac stared at her with an indescribable expression in his eyes. For some reason, when he heard her

voice and saw her expression and behavior, he would think of a person.

Although they looked different, they were similar in many places. However, there were many people in

the world who looked like each other. That woman had been burned to death in the madhouse, and it

was impossible for her to live in the world.

Noticing his eyes, Leila was afraid that he would be suspicious. She quickly found a topic and said, "I

heard from Walt that Essie is pregnant again, and you have given birth to a boy and a girl twins before.

It's really enviable. Walt and I will have a lot of children in the future."

Walt coughed and cast a reproachful glance at her.


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