Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 380 Let It Sleep With You

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He paused and tightened his arms around his waist. "You must appear at any time I want. You can't

refuse me with any reason. If you provoke me again, I will punish you." He said in a threatening tone.

"Okay." She couldn't help but shiver. He was a demon. She could only obey his orders and couldn't


"Good girl." He gently pinched the tip of her chin, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his

mouth. The big ogre liked obedient women. If she could lie down obediently under his body so that he

could vent his desire, it would be more perfect for him.

After bathing, she went to her room. When she opened the closet and was about to look for some

clothes, her eyes fell on the shelf. What was on it was...

She was surprised and picked it up. "Icy guy, didn't you say that you had thrown my Barbie into the

trash can?" Her voice trembled with excitement.

"I picked it up when I saw it last time when I got home," standing behind her, Zac said casually, as if he

was talking about something unimportant.

Huh! You threw it into the trash can a dozen years ago, and now you can't even get it back? You kept

your trash in your home for a dozen years?

Essie turned around and made a face towards him. All of a sudden, she was in a good mood, as if a

gust of wind blew, dispelling the haze that had accumulated in her heart.

She sat on the couch and looked at her custom-made Barbie doll. She felt like she was back in her


This was the presents from Baron for her seventh birthday. The clothes, shoes and other jewels were

all in accordance with the sketch of her own design.

Seeing the smile on her face, Zac raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He knew that she would be

happy to see it, so he specially brought it here from the Rong Mansion.

"You were very cute when you were a child." He leaned against the back of the sofa, looking at her with

a meaningful and intriguing look in his eyes.

Her curly long eyelashes flickered wittily, revealing a sly light. "After last time I was poisoned and

passed out, I remembered of a lot of things in childhood, but I still can't remember how I made you

suffer from hidden diseases? Can you tell me a little?"

Zac choked hardly. A strange smile appeared on his face. He didn't want to talk about it. It was really

hard to say.

"No wonder you often have think different from other people. You are really thinking out of the box most

of the time." He flicked her forehead.

She gave him an aggrieved look. It seemed impossible to find out the secret from his mouth, and she

had to try to remember it with her might. Since she could pick up the lost memory again, it meant that

her brain still had the ability to repair itself. She believed that one day, she would be able to regain her


"Never mind. I will recall it by myself. I've seen that my hippocampus begin to restore itself. I'm sure I'll

be able to remember all the loopholes in my memory."

Zac touched his chin and said in a serious tone, "Tell me, what have you remembered?"

"I remembered the golf match that was held to select my fiancee. And I went to Rong Mansion to send

the engagement token..." She looked at the Barbie doll in her hand and said in a sad voice, "I didn't

expect that we would meet again."

"Do you still remember what aunt Bonney said to you?" Zac held her in his arms, the look in his eyes

was like he was looking at the world treasure which was recovered after gain after lost.

"Every cloud has a silver lining," she said slowly, stressing each syllable.

"We will not be separated." He kissed her forehead affectionately. The warm of his lips was like

sunshine warmed her frozen heart.

She buried her head in his arms and tried to absorb his heat to keep the temperature of her chest from

cooling down.

He was more optimistic than her because he didn't know that besides Leila, the biggest obstacle

between them was the grudge between the last generation. As long as they got along well with each

other, this feud would break out sooner or later. Then they would have to make the final decision

between family affection and their love.

"Little fool, don't worry. Everything will be okay. Have confidence in us, okay?" He gently stroked her

head and his voice was so soft and dripping.

She didn't answer, but buried her head deeper. How she wished she could be as stubborn as a snail,

who would hide and avoid danger, so that she could save a lot of troubles and sorrows.

After a long while, she sat up and fiddled with the doll in her hand. All of a sudden, she stared at the

necklace on its chest.

'This necklace looks so familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere before.'

As her eyeballs rolled, a flash of lightning flashed through her mind. It occurred to her that three years

ago at a jewelry exhibition in Yang City, Leila had worn the same necklace to there. She said that it was

a birthday gift from Zac, and that he had designed it for her in person.

"Is this necklace on Barbie dolls when I gave it to you?"

"How could you not remember your own things?" Zac smiled mischievously. He seemed to have known

what she wanted to ask.

"I don't remember many things, you know." She gave him a blaming look.

Zac rubbed the bead on the necklace with his finger and said slowly, "I accidentally broke that original

one, so I drew it according to my memory and asked it to be customized. But the servant forgot to tell

them that it was a customized one from a toy doll, and it was made into the size of a real person.


He paused on purpose and looked at the woman next to him with a meaningful look. She pouted her

little mouth like an oil bottle hanging on it. "Then, you sent it to Leila as a birthday gift?" She spoke out

the rest of his words.

He shrugged. "I forgot her birthday. She came over and saw the necklace, thinking it was a gift for her,

so she put it on. I can't let her take it off again. Anyway, I made a mistake. I can't wear it on the Barbie

doll. I'll make full use of it when I give it to her as a gift."

"Well, I forgive you." She laughed secretly in her heart. It seemed that he didn't care about Leila as

much as she thought. She put the Barbie doll on him and said, "You said you couldn't sleep alone. I will

give it to you. And when I am not here it can sleep with you."

Putting the Barbie aside, Zac held her in his arms and said, "I want to hold something warm and soft.

Holding such cold things would cause nightmares."

Essie pretended to be angry and push him away. "If I always spend the night with you every

day, my mom is going to suspect me. I have to lie to her every day, telling her that I'm in Eva's house.

What if she finds out the truth one day? She would definitely renown her relationship with me"

Zac sighed. Ever since she knew his identity, his mother-in-law's attitude had changed greatly. The

original kindness and lenient had completely disappeared. She became cold to him as soon as she

saw him, as if she had a deep hatred.

"Your mother hates me, is it because of my mother?"

Essie shrugged again, tacitly approving.

"Because of her relationship with Elizabeth?" Zac frowned.

Essie didn't answer, but put on a grim look. "Why don't you ask your mom what she has done? Why

does she fear me so much and try every means to kick me out of the Rong family? "

"I know she was involved with Elizabeth," Zac said. He remembered that Elizabeth often called her to

ask her out at that time. The conversation lasted for an afternoon and was very mysterious. She would

never let him and his brother go with her. Now he thought it might be because of the matter of the Xu

family. Mommy seemed to be too enthusiastic about the affairs of outsiders and was abnormally


A deep sneer crept up on Essie's face again. She knew clearly what kind of person Mary was. If she

only took a small part in it, she wouldn't be so afraid of her.

"My mother has suffered a lot. I won't do anything to hurt her. If she can't accept you, we won't be

together," she said in a firm tone. As for Mary, since Zac didn't care too much about her existence, nor

did she care. After all, there were grandma and grandpa of the Rong family, and also Albert who

constrained her. She couldn't do everything in her power like Vicki did. If she wanted to fight, she would

fight with her to the end.

"No, I won't. I'll try my best to convince mother-in-law to accept me. If thirty six strategy is not

enough, then I will have seventy two plans. I believe one of them will work," Zac said in a soothing


Essie didn't want to upset him too much. She nodded and didn't say much, but in her heart, she didn't

have much confidence. Her mother's hatred towards Mary was hard to dissolve. Instead of feeling

guilty, Mary tried every means to cover up her crime. Such behavior was unforgivable.

After a moment of silence, she quietly changed the subject.

"How is it going on in the investigation on Liam?"

"Don't worry. We'll find him." Zac patted her on the shoulder to calm her down. He wanted to do

something more.

"I always feel uneasy at the thought that they hide in the dark like mice and can't be vigilant. I have a

feeling that they will plan a more terrible plot." Essie gritted her teeth again. If she caught by those

gangsters, she would definitely build an eighteen floor underground prison for them. Since they liked to

play tricks so much, they would never come out for the rest of their lives.

"If you want to threaten Elizabeth with Pitkin and Luke, it's impossible to find out the identity of the

backstage manipulator. Elizabeth is not as stupid as you think, not to mention the old fox, Bles is on her

side. You must talk to me first. Don't take any risk," Zac said thoughtfully.

"Yes." Essie nodded in a low voice. As the saying goes, 'Aged ginger is more pungent'. She was too

young to deal with the older ginger, and was not ruthless enough. It was the formidable power of the

demon king known for his cold-blooded and ruthless who had the deterrence to them.

"Elizabeth doesn't have such a great ability alone. So the explosion must have something to do with

Bles. Since he has prepared such a big gift for us, we should also greet him back," Zac said with a

malicious and insidious smile.

Essie shocked for a while. "Did you get any proof?"

demon king known for his cold-blooded and ruthless who had the deterrence to them.

"Elizabeth doesn't have such a great ability alone. So the explosion must have something to do with

Bles. Since he has prepared such a big gift for us, we should also greet him back," Zac said with a

malicious and insidious smile.

Essie shocked for a while. "Did you get any proof?"


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