Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 405 The Missing One Came Back

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After sending her parents and children to the high-speed train, Essie drove to the private detective


"Mr. Xu, we meet again so soon."

"Miss Essie, please let me know if I can help you." Said detective Garman smilingly.

"I want you to help me find a person." Said Essie as she took out a photo from her pocket.

"I'll try my best," said Garman, looking at the photo.

At first, she just wanted to have a try, but a few days later, she received the news.

"Are you sure you have found her?" She could not believe that they had looked for her for several

months, but had not found her. How could he find her in only a few days?

"I have seen her in person. It's her." Said Garman on the phone.

Essie were overjoyed. She immediately asked Malcolm to follow detective Garman to a small village in

E Town.

This village was called Dave Village. It was located downstream. There were only more than eighty

families. Most of them worked in the city, leaving only the old and children. They didn't speak a

Mandarin language and didn't know how to surf the Internet either. They only work on the ground or eat

and sleep every day.

They approached an old and shabby house made of bricks, in which the voices of girls and children

could be faintly heard. When they pushed the door of the shaky yard open, they saw a tall and strong

woman washing clothes by the sink. Beside her, there was a little girl standing with a worn and dirty doll

in her arms. It seemed that she had just picked it up from a trash can.

Although the woman dressed like a poor village girl, Malcolm still recognized her at the first sight.

"Alice!" He rushed over excitedly.

"Sis..." as soon as her tears spilled over her eyes, Essie ran to her and embraced Alice in her arms. "I

knew you were still alive, and I knew you would be all right. I've been looking for you for a long time,

and finally I found you."

The woman froze. There was no excitement or joy of seeing her family, only a look of loss, as if she did

not know them at all. "Who are you?" She asked.

Shocked, Essie and Malcolm looked at each other at the same time and asked, "sister, don't you know

us?" She asked in surprise.

"Who are you to her?" A woman's voice came from the room, and then a middle-aged woman walked

out. Although her accent was not standard, she could be understood.

"I'm her sister, and her friend is next to me. We came here to find her." Essie said and asked, "How is

my sister? Why doesn't she know us? "

"She doesn't remember anything. She even doesn't know who she is and what her name is." The

middle-aged woman sighed.

"How long has she been here?" Malcolm asked.

"For several months. When I was washing my clothes with my mother-in-law by the river that day, I saw

a woman float over from the water. She was holding a piece of wood and it seemed that she was still

alive. My mother-in-law and I got her out of the water together. I wanted to ask where she lived and

drive her home, but she doesn't know anything and my mother-in-law is so kind that she kept her with

us. " The middle-aged woman described the scene at that time.

Essie didn't think too much about it. As long as her sister was alive, nothing else mattered to her.

She gave the family a large amount of money as her gratitude. Then she took Alice back with Malcolm.

After he knew that Alice had come back, Holy was so happy that he held her, crying and laughing for a

while. "I miss you so much, and I thought that I might never see you again."

At the same time, Alice caressed Holy's head, looking a bit distant. To Alice, they were strangers.

"Holy is our brother, and Pana is your comrades in arms in the special forces. You are like sisters. Now

she's my second sister." Alice lost her memory now, so Essie had to help her to get familiar with the

people and things around her patiently.

Alice nodded, took a sip of the juice on the table, and spit it out before she swallowed it. "Is this

blueberry juice?"

"Yes, I asked them to make it especially for you." Essie just smiled, and she knew that Alice liked

blueberries, and the juice she wanted to eat was blueberries, and even her favorite color was also


"I don't want to eat blueberry juice." But at this moment, Alice put the glass back on the table and

offered, "give me a glass of strawberry juice, please."

"But, Alice, don't you like blueberries the most?"

"That's right. You only drink blueberry juice for juice, and never drink strawberry juice. Don't you forget

this?" Holy blinked his big eyes and looked at her in bewilderment.

Alice lowered her head and her long hair fell down, trying to hide all her expressions. "Here is the

thing... The man who saved me planted many blueberries on the mountain, and I almost went there

everyday to pick them, and then went to the market to sell them. My hand was really hurt, and now I

just want to vomit when I see them. "

Hearing this, Essie was distressed. She hadn't done farm work since she was a child, so she couldn't

bear that. She quickly called in the servant to take the blueberries juice down and change it into the

strawberry juice.

"Sister, take a good rest at home these days. Later I'll take you to the hospital and see if the doctor can

help you restore your memory."

At the same time, Alice was totally unaware of what was happening in front of her. She just nodded

slightly and didn't say anything, drinking her juice. Plus, Essie was aware that they were in a strange

place, so it was normal for her to be nervous.

The news that Alice came back from soon spread all over Dragon City.

As soon as Zac heard the news, he called Essie to the Jade Mountain.

"Where did you find Alice?"

"In Dave Village, she was saved by two villagers, but she lost her memory, so she didn't come back."

Essie said. Since Alice was safe and sound, she felt relieved. That night, she made a call to mark and

told her about this. If it weren't for the fact that the grandmother of Yi family was in a bad condition,

Lucy would have come to see her at the right time.

Zac frowned as a sharp light flashed through his eyes. "I've sent people to look for that place, but

eighty-five families had been inquired. If she was there, it was impossible that she couldn't be found."

"Maybe the owner was gone that day." Shrugging her shoulders, Essie didn't care about what he said

at all. As long as her sister came back, she didn't want to think about anything else.

Zac said, pretending to be angry with her. He was more likely to be confused by family affection and

friendship. If she was sold out, she would pay for the people. Both the police and his subordinates had

never stopped searching for her, but up to now, none of them had found her. But a private detective

found her in three or two days, and he found her in the village they had searched several times. It was

so weird.

At special times, he had to be prudent about everything and should not give the enemies a chance to

take advantage of him.

"Indeed, it's a pleasure to find Alice, but we still need to be careful. Don't trust a person too much." He

reminded her earnestly.

"Do I need to be on guard against my sister? Alice has lost her memory. She treats me, Holy and

everyone like strangers. I just want to help her regain her memory as soon as possible. I don't want to

think about anything else. " Hearing his explanation, Shirley frowned in discontent.

"You need to be careful just because she has lost her memory. If she was kidnapped by her enemy

before, those kidnappers would be so powerful that it would be not difficult to brainwash a person who

had lost her memory and train her to be their spy. It seems that she is carrying some deadly virus that

makes her work for them wholeheartedly and dare not betray them. " Zac deliberately exposed the

most serious side. Without giving her a hard injection, she would not realize the seriousness of the

matter and attach importance to it.

The joyful expression on her face was all replaced by fear and worry.

"Are you thinking too much?" She spoke haltingly in a very low voice. Such a horrible thing was not

what she wanted to happen.

"I hope so. But one more thought is never wrong." Said Zac as he put his arm around her shoulders.

Biting her lips, she nodded slightly. During this period of time, she would keep an eye on her sister. If

there was anything wrong with her, she would be able to help her in time in case that those people

would hurt her again.

After a long time of silence, she finally decided to tell the truth. "Since the private detective is capable,

why don't I ask him to help me find out Liam? Maybe he will find him soon too."

"This method is feasible, and we can also detect his background information." Zac touched his chin and

said, "if there is news, don't act alone. I'll ask William to go with you."

"Yes." She responded in a low voice. She still remembered the explosion last time, so she wouldn't

take the risk to take any action. They wanted her life, but she wouldn't let them get it. She wanted them

to live long and then kill them by herself.

Early the next morning, she went to the private detective office and handed her clues to detective

Garman. When she saw the tattoo on the photo, an indescribable look flashed across his face, but he

quickly concealed it. He calmly said, "if I can't have a look at him, it's very difficult to find..."

"One million!" said Essie. She said straightforwardly.

"I will try my best," he responded, as a hint of smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

After she came out, Essie didn't go to the company, but went straight back to the villa. She had made

an appointment with the doctor, and was planning to take Alice to do a full physical examination.

However, at this time, Alice was not willing to go. She said in a firm tone, "I have a good health. There

is nothing wrong with me. I just do farm work in Dave Village every day. I hate going to the hospital.

Please don't make things difficult for me. If I feel uncomfortable, I will tell you. And then we can go

there, okay? "

Noticing that Alice was obstinate, Essie called the hospital to cancel physical examination first.

"Sis, if you feel pain on your head or anywhere else, just tell me, okay?"

"I know." A mischievous smile crossed Alice's face. "Is there a party tonight?" She quickly changed the


"How do you know?" Essie asked in confusion.


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