Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 356 I Am Going To Break Up With You

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"You little fool, even if it is the end of the world, I won't leave you." Hanson stroked her head lovingly.

She forced a smile and wanted to smile at him, but it disappeared before it took shape. She was filled

with too much haze to smile.

"Go to the lakeside villa with me, please. I want to pack my stuff back."

"Okay." Hanson nodded and started the car.

At the same time, Leila had just moved her luggage here and was about to ask Sage to help with

packing. When she saw Essie come in, a flash of cold light flashed through her eyes. "Ann, from now

on, if there are outsiders visiting here, please inform me in advance. Don't let anyone in." Now, she was

the hostess of this villa, and without her permission, this woman was not allowed to come in again.

Ann said nothing and exited quietly. In her heart, Essie was the real hostess.

Essie knew that Leila was deliberately against her. She didn't say anything and just pretended to be

arrogant and went upstairs in silence. The more uncomfortable she performed, the more complacent

the other party would be. She would not let her succeed.

"Take away everything that you are supposed to take with you. Don't take anything that you are not

supposed to take with you by mistake." Standing at the door of the room, Leila said maliciously.

"Shut up!" Hanson growled, thinking that such a woman deserved a good beating. If it is because he

hadn't never beaten women, he would have beaten her up.

Leila didn't get angry, instead, she asked, "Hanson, those two kids are yours, aren't they?"

"So what?" Hanson frowned angrily.

Leila snorted. She knew that Essie was lying and that the child couldn't be adopted. "You have been a

couple for three years in the United States, but once you came back, she entangled with her ex-

husband and cuckolded you. Don't you get angry?" The expression on her face was full of ridicule.

"I don't think a bastard like Zac deserves you!" Hanson said with a sneer.

"We are a perfect match. Someone got involved shamelessly and ruined our relationship." Said Leila


"Then I wish you an eternity. Don't go and harm others again." After that, he went to help Essie pack up

and left her alone.

Essie was so angry that she felt like a balloon was inflated, building up the internal organs of her whole

body. After she put away the two boxes, she went out with Hanson. She didn't want to step further on

this place, because that man would be completely formatted in her heart.

In William's luxury apartment, Zac was leaning against the sofa with a gloomy expression. He planned

to live here temporarily.

"Ann called just now and said that Mrs. Essie had moved all the things away." "Are you really not going

to tell her about the fake marriage?"

"I can't take the risk before she recovers." He took a sip bitterly.

"Women are impulsive. They will do anything when they were confused. Don't you worry that she will

do something regretful?" Sitting next to him, William reminded kindly.

"Why did you say the same words with what Jim said?" That was exactly what he worried most. Last

time, that muddled girl went to America and had two children with Hanson. What else could she do this


"Don't worry too much. Doctor Smith from Harvard University is busy studying the antidote

components. I believe that the antidote will be developed soon, and then Leila will be useless." Said

William, patting him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"How about the things I want?" Zac said as a sly light flashed across his eyes.

"It will be done in a week." Said William, taking out a small medicine bottle from his pocket. "I got these

for you."

"What is it?" Zac took the bottle, opened it and saw some white pills.

"The medicine that can make people have imagination. It is very easy to melt in the water and

convenient for you." Wearing a wicked smile, William said, "we have to make sure that everything is

under control."

"Clever and considerate!" Said Zac, with a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Wearing a confident smile, William raised his beautiful eyebrows. If he didn't have many skills, would

he be the first general of the most powerful man in Dragon City?

"Mrs. Essie must be moved to tears if she knows you tried so hard to keep yourself integrity."

Zac sighed in a low voice. The fool was surely hating him. She must have thought that he had broken

his promise and betrayed her. At the thought of being misunderstood for a long time and unable to be

with her, his heart was more painful than being bitten by thousands of ants, and more painful than

being pierced the heart. It was a torment for him. He just hoped that as soon as he opened her eyes,

half a year would pass.

When he was upset, his phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, he became more upset. "Answer it for me.

Tell him that I'm drunk and won't go back home."

Then William picked up his phone.

The voice on the phone sounded disappointed. She was still looking forward to sleeping with him.

Zac picked up a glass of wine on the tea table and drank it all up. He looked at his cell phone. There

was a dim light in his dark and cold eyes. It seemed that something came to his mind. He picked it up

and went upstairs.

Didn't he have a spy? He was eager to know what was going on about Essie.

He opened Wechat and sent a message, "Hi, little guy, are you asleep?"

Soon she received a message, "I was asleep and didn't want to talk to you. Bastard."

Zac grinned bitterly. He was already hurt enough. Even the little guy came to make it up. "Is your sister


"She's doing great. Brother Hanson is taking care of her by her side. He is much better than you."

"Why can't I see it?" Zac sent a mad emoji to him. The little guy took Hanson to make him mad again!

"That's because you didn't have a good eyesight. The woman you are going to marry must be ugly, bad

and hateful!"

Zac leaned against the sofa. Leila was his only female friend. He had promised to be friends with her

for a lifetime, but she destroyed their friendship with her own hands. She hurt the love of his life, and

built her selfish desires based on their pain of being apart. Now his heart was filled with nothing but

disgust for her.

"There is no woman in the world who can compete with your sister."

"Then why did you divorce her and marry someone else?"

"The world of adults is complicated. You won't understand."

"You adults are too complicated."

Zac shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Little guy, take good care of your sister for me."

"Hanson will take care of my sister. You don't have to worry about her. I want to sleep. I will leave you


He was indeed a martial arts adept at promoting blade skills.

Zac felt depressed and put the cellphone aside. It was bad to be understood, especially the person who

misunderstand him was the one he loved most.

He let his secretary announce that he was on a business trip in America and dodged Leila for a week.

Leila stayed alone for a week. Upon hearing that he was back, she rushed to the Emperor's office.

"Zac, are you hiding from me on purpose?" She frowned and her face was full of anger and


"It's just after the Spring Festival. We have a lot of things to deal with in the company." Said Zac flatly.

"Zac." She walked to the back of the chair and put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to be your real

wife. It's not just an ornament. Another three weeks later, Essie is going to be injected with antidote. If

you don't take me better, I'll be angry with you and hide it away."

A rage flame flashed in his face. "You go with me to the party tonight." He tried his best to control the

impulse to break her neck.

"Well, this time I will go as your wife. I'm not the daughter of Qin family anymore." Leila smiled, "After

the party, we will sleep together, right? I have counted the day. I think right now is my ovulation period.

Maybe we will have a baby this time. " She put her hand into his collar. When her fingers touched his

skin, he got goose bumps all over his body. A feeling of nausea rose from his chest. He grabbed her

hand and stood up in case not to spit out.

He had thought that he had recovered from the hidden diseases, but he didn't expect that it would get

worse. His thought, body and heart belonged to Essie only, and rejected other women unconditionally.

"Well, I have a lot of things to do. You can go back first. I will pick you up in the evening."

Leila was in a bad mood. "I have something else to ask you. When do we going to have our wedding


"The day when Essie recovered." Zac said resolutely.

The corners of Leila's mouth twitched. A cold light flashed on her face. She took a deep breath and

forced herself to calm down. The wedding ceremony was only a formality, and it didn't matter whether

the ceremony was held or not. He and Essie hadn't held the wedding yet, and the most important thing

for her now was to get pregnant as soon as possible. If they had a child, she would be able to trap him.

"Anyway, it will take at least half a year to prepare for the rich and powerful wedding. From now on, we

can start to prepare. But when I am pregnant, we have to postpone our honeymoon."

Lying face to the window, Zac was annoyed to look at her. In the past, he thought that Valery was the

most hateful person, but now he found that Leila was even more hateful than Valery.

"There is one thing you need to know. Our family and Qin family are incompatible like water and fire.

According to the elders, if you want to marry me, you must break off the relationship with Qin family

completely. We will never allow anyone related to the Qin family to be the hostess of our family. "

"That's impossible. After all, they are my foster parents. I can't break up with them." Leila's heart

skipped a beat.

"You can choose to be my wife instead of the hostess of the Rong family if you don't want to." Said Zac

in a deep voice.

"Then who will be the future hostess?" Leila asked immediately.

"Choose one from my sister-in-law or my cousin," Said Zac slowly.

"No way." Leila raised her voice and strongly opposed, "you're the boss of the Rong family, and I'm the

only hostess. How can I leave it to others?"

"It's up to you," Said Zac with a sneer.


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