Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 420 A Fierce Battle Between The Love Rivals (Part One)

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"Brother Zac is quite busy recently. After he finishes his work, we will go for our honeymoon," Leila

explained with a smile. She also wanted to go on her honeymoon, but Zac didn't mention it at all. She

asked him indirectly. He said that they could only plan after the cooperation in the South Sea started.

With a polite smile, Essie said, "I hope you two can attend our engagement ceremony."

"Of course we will." With a smile at the corners of her mouth, Leila turned around to look at Zac, "Right,

my husband?" She changed her tone and stressed on the word intentionally.

"Let's talk about it when we are free," Zac said indifferently. He sat in the middle of the seat. His body

was suffering great pain as if thousands of arrows were piercing his heart. If he did not sit down, he

would probably fall.

Essie and Hanson sat on the other side of the table, seeming to keep them at a distance deliberately.

The auction items on auction were the private collection of celebrities. The money gathered by the

auction would be donated to construct the Hope Primary Schools in poor mountainous villages.

Leila never forgot to show off their love. Even when they were sitting, she held his arm and leaned her

head on his shoulder from time to time. She was afraid that others did not know that they were a sweet

and happy newly married couple.

Zac didn't stop her. It seemed that he would spoil her forever.

Even though Essie tried her best not to look at them, she could not control her eyes. They were now

full of scars.

Only now did she realize that it was easy to say that you forgot one person, but it was difficult, very

difficult to do so. Especially when this person had been deeply rooted in your bone and carved into

your soul, and forcefully saying goodbye to him would be a pain of cramping and bones cutting.

The fifth auction item on auction was owned by Zac. When it was pushed out, Essie was so shocked

that her nerves were trembling.

That was her Barbie dolls!

He wanted to sell her Barbie dolls!

She was like being stabbed. Blood flooded her heart all of a sudden. She covered her chest and

gasped for air. She was going to suffocate to death.

Hanson noticed her abnormality. He quickly put his arms around her and asked, "Essie, what's wrong

with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

"No, I am not." She shook her head, trying to hide her painful expression. "I was just choked by my


Hanson patted her back and handed her a bottle of water.

She took a sip and turned her eyes to Zac. He looked calm and confident. There was no trace of

unwillingness on his face, as if it was a discarded object, like her!

He never cared about it. Once he got tired of it, he would throw it into the trash can. Only when he

remembered it, would he pick it up again.

Now, he didn't want it at all. He was going to throw it to someone else.

"This is a customized Barbie doll. It was prototype of a debutante in Dragon City when she was in her

childhood. The initial price is fifty thousand dollars." The host gave a brief introduction.

Fifty thousand dollars?

Clenching her fists, Essie was surprised that he only set the initial price of fifty thousand dollars for her

Barbie doll! That was the lowest bid price for the auction so far. This Barbie doll cost Baron three million

dollars to customize it for her. It was a complete skeleton that could imitate a real person. Even the skin

was made of silica gel which resemble to the skin, not plastic. How could he sell it for a mere fifty

thousand dollars? Their love was so cheap in his eyes, so humble?

A extreme sadness surged in her chest, and soon it turned into a strong hatred. How stupid she was!

Why did she fall in love with such a ruthless demon? He never cared about her. He just took her as a

sex toy. When he was tired of her, he could throw her into the trash can and let her die.

All the celebrities present turned to look at Essie in secret.

Gossips happened everywhere in the Dragon City.

The childhood of a debutante! Although it was just a simple introduction, people couldn't help but

imagine it. The only one who could have involved with Zac in the childhood was none other than the

third daughter of the Xu family who was engaged to him, Cathy. Now that they divorced and each had a

new partner, it was normal for them to take the previous things out for auction.

Leila also thought the Barbie doll belonged to Cathy. But she did not want to admit it. Never! Though

the doll was broken by her, but Zac had spent a lot of money to ask someone to repair it. On that day

when the doll was sent back, she found a very horrible thing that the necklace on the baby's neck was

the same as the one on her neck.

What was going on?

Was the necklace not specially designed for her, but for the doll?

"Brother Zac, I didn't expect you to sell it on auction," she asked deliberately.

"It's just a waste," Zac answered in an indifferent tone.

Was it? Leila raised her eyebrows. Since it was a waste, why did he jump into the cold lake to pick it up

that day?

The bidding began.

"Eighty thousand dollars."

"One hundred thousand dollars."

"One hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

On Essie's smooth forehead, veins popped out. She clenched her pricelist in her hand and raised it in

anger, "One million dollars." She wanted to take her doll back.

The result seemed to inadvertently confirm the speculations of the present.

The Barbie was indeed the prototype of the third daughter of the Xu family.

As a result, its status began to soar.


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