Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 406 Hook Up Secretly

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"I overheard you talking to someone on the phone last night." Alice shrugged. "Can I go with you?"

"Of course." "We're all friends. Since you're back, you should meet them."

Alice was very happy. She had been preparing for the party the whole afternoon. This was the first time

they had seen her with such enthusiasm.

She used to be cold and indifferent. She had no interest in anyone or anything. She attended parties

only because of the need of social communication. If she could choose, she would rather stay at home

to read books and listen to music.

She had locked herself in the cloakroom for a long time, trying all the evening dresses on.

Holy was confused and said, "it seems that she has changed a lot. She is totally different from she was


"People will change after they lose their memories. When Zac was amnesiac before, his personality

was also different." Smiling, Essie stroked his head.

"I miss my big sister before." "Now she treats me like a stranger. It's so awkward," Holy added, pouting.

"Her brain is capable of self recovery. I believe she will regain her memory soon. Now we need to be

patient and take good care of her." To be honest, Essie was not used to this kind of occasion.

Holy was eager to get his sister back as soon as possible.

The party was held in the Phoenix Century Club.

The two sisters of the Xu family entered the stage together. They attracted the attention of all the

people present like stars and sparks.

Zac came with Leila. A deep and sharp light flashed in his eyes when he saw Alice. He turned around

and walked away. Leila followed him at once.

"Alice, I'm glad you're fine." With a profound smile on his lips, he continued, "the police have searched

many times in Dave Village, but they didn't find you. Did you hide yourself out of fear?" He said in a

joking tone, as if he was just joking, but his eyes were a little cold, as if he could see through no matter

how deep her secret was hidden.

Alice flipped her hair beside her ear, showing a confused expression. "Excuse me, but you are..."

"He is the second son of Rong family, my husband and your ex-brother-in-law." Not waiting for the

answer of Zac, Leila stepped forward and interrupted. She was afraid that Alice did not know that she

was the current lady of Rong family.

The woman's words surprised Alice. Alice turned to look at Essie and asked, "is he your ex-husband?"

Essie nodded.

Raising her eyebrows, Alice continued, "I don't know that you have been married. Tell me more about

you when you have time." She asked with curiosity.

There was a slight smile on Essie's face, but she didn't want to talk much about her own business,

especially things about the children. She had specially told Pana and Holy that they couldn't tell anyone

about the secret of the children.

"Alice, now you're back, and the Xu group has another person to take care of it. Will your sister feel

uncomfortable?" Said Leila in a voice dripping with sarcasm. She used to be a superior queen, and

Essie was just a poor sparrow in the slum. However, Essie was splendid and gorgeous, while she

became a vulture with Phoenix fur. It was hard to find it out, and all kinds of jealousy and hatred filled

her heart. If they fail to make peace with each other and Alice drive Essie out of the company, Leila

must feel relieved.

Alice asked in confusion, "I don't know what you're talking about. "

"I mean..." Leila still wanted to sow dissension among them, but was interrupted by the low voice of

Zac, "you talked too much." His tone was light but chilly. Leila shivered and shut up immediately.

Giving her a cold glance, Essie held Alice's arm and said, "let's say hello to others." It was better not to

talk with someone who was so mean.

Alice nodded and left with her.

Looking at the disappearing figure of grace, Zac' eyes became sharper. With a sneer on her lips, Leila

believed that a good show would soon begin in the Xu family.

Seeing that Essie came in, Fell was ready to strike out. But since Zac had walked over, he had to

temporarily retreat his steps.

At this moment, seeing that Essie had left, Fell rushed towards them like a tornado, fearing that they

would be taken away by others again.

"Cathy, let's go to the bar counter and have a drink." He smiled charmingly and invited her in.

"Okay." Essie said with a smile.

After they sat down at the bar counter, Alice kept her eyes on Fell, as if he was trying to figure out

something, or as if she was making fun of him.

Fell didn't notice that. He kept his eyes on Essie.

The men from the respectable families in Dragon City didn't pay much attention to Alice as she had

sworn in public that she would not marry any man.

"Sister, what would you like to drink?" Essie turned around and asked. After hearing that, Alice glanced

at the menu and ordered Bloody Mary.

And Essie ordered a cup of summer flowers.

"Cathy, my birthday is in a couple of days. I'm going to have a party on my yacht. Would you like to

come?" Fell invited with a smile.

"It's Fell's birthday. Of course I should come here to celebrate," Essie then smiled.

When Alice was distracted, she cut in, "Fell, didn't you invite me?" She asked in a casual tone as if she

was just joking.

Fell was a little surprised by her question. She was a famous beauty, but was as cold as ice. For such

private parties, she was not interested in, nor did she join in. Now she offered to join, which was totally

out of his expectation.

"Of course I'm glad to see you here." He smiled.

"Then I'll go with Essie." A smile appeared on Alice's face. It seemed that she was very interested in

Fell's birthday and she wanted to attend the birthday party as well.

Fell took a sip of whiskey and looked around at her. "Miss Alice, I find that after you return this time,

you are not the same as before."

"The past is gone. I want to restart and live a new life." Alice said in a playful tone.

"Is this called rebirth?" Fell teased her.

"Sort of."

Fell swallowed, and his Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably. He had seen a lot of women, and knew

women's micro expressions well. He couldn't believe that the most beautiful woman in Dragon City

would make such a gesture. Had she been reborn for months?

But he didn't respond. He had been playing with different women. She used to be cool and fascinating,

but now when she became passionate, she was as normal as other women. And Cathy was an

outgoing and smart girl.

"Cathy." He turned his attention to Essie and said, "you are indeed a talented designer. Every piece of

your dress perfectly matches your figure."

"Designer is strange. You are used to wearing the clothes you make, but you are not used to wearing

the clothes made by others." Said Essie with a slight smile.

"Essie, did you make my clothes?" Alice interrupted, unwilling to be ignored.

"No. you have your own exclusive designer. His name is Pierrot. He is a very famous designer in Paris.

He will come over every season and design the new clothes for you. " Essie said in a casual tone.

"Really?" Raising her eyebrows, Alice continued, "let's have him design new clothes for me then."

"Okay, I'll ask secretary to call him." Essie nodded slightly. In the past, Alice had talked with Pierrot in

French. Essie didn't know French, so she had to ask her secretary who could speak French for her.

"Cathy, we got information about the man who harmed you last time. My men found that he had been in

City C. The tattoos on his wrists were exactly the same as those in the pictures. It shouldn't be wrong. I

have sent people to look for him. As long as we catch him, we will break his arms and legs. " Said Fell.

"Really? That's great! " A hint of excitement flashed in Essie's eyes, and she continued, "I know that

Fell is the best."

"Of course, the power of my family is never inferior to that of the Rong family. If I hadn't been looking

after business in Europe these years, could Zac be the first young master in Dragon City?" Fell raised

his eyebrows, looking quite pleased. After saying that, he took a sip of the wine and patted his chest as

he looked at Essie, "Cathy, if you have any trouble in the future, just come to me. I'll kill anyone who

dares to harm you."

"Thank you so much, Fell." Essie smiled, and her eyes were as beautiful as the crescent moon.

When Alice saw them, her eyes darkened slightly. "Mr. Fell, the Zac you just said was my former

brother-in-law, right? You chase after my sister in public just to provoke him, don't you? "

Fell shook his hand and sneered, "he has quit. He is not even my opponent. I don't have the time to

care about him."

"Is your cousin stronger than my sister? Why did he divorce my sister and marry your cousin? " It

sounded like she was defending her sister.

Fell shrugged and said, "everyone has his own thoughts. He knows what he is thinking about. In my

eyes, Cathy is much better than my cousin."

A smile broke on Alice's lips. At this moment, she put on an unexplainable expression, "beauty is in the

eyes of the beholder."

"I guess so. I like her very much." Fell replied frankly.

Zac sat a seat not far away. His eyes were squinting at the bar counter. Viciousness was shining in his

dark eyes, and the blue veins on his forehead were pulsing in anger.

Damn it! He was coaxing his wife again!


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